Submitted by RakeshRon on Thu, 08/29/2013 - 05:23
Submitted by RakeshRon on Sun, 04/14/2013 - 06:13
Rakesh Mondal is a 23 years old humble Computer Engineer and technology enthusiast from India.
Submitted by RakeshRon on Fri, 11/02/2012 - 18:22
Winpic800 configuration, A tutorial to configure winpic800 serial JDM programmer ( DB-9 port) for programming your microcontroller , winpic800 configure.
Submitted by RakeshRon on Sat, 10/20/2012 - 17:08
JDM programmer is a serial Microcontroller programmer. It is used for loading the compiled source code( .hex) into the microcontroller with a DB-9 port. Its quiet easy to make. we are going to make this board for loading the code into microcontroller board pic18f4550. JDM programmer does not have a capability to program through a USB port but its quiet a cheap and easy to make at home if you don’t want to invest on costly programmer like pickit2. Its one of the easy legacy model for programming microcontroller. You can find the necessary schematic and description here to make this programmer at home with in an Hour.
Submitted by RakeshRon on Wed, 10/03/2012 - 19:27
What is a microcontroller ? Microcontroller in simple term refers to a small computer on a single chip. Its like an artificial mind for any intelligent devices which is responsible for taking decisions. [eg your robot needs to take decisions, then a microcontroller would do that for us.] Microcontroller can be programmed , and has its own programming language and compilers. Hence in our robotic applications it is going to serve as a mind which will be responsible for taking all decisions.
Submitted by RakeshRon on Fri, 04/29/2011 - 08:47
Clex is a terminal based file manager which can be directly used from the linux terminal in text mode.