Clex Terminal Based File Manager
Clex File Manager
Clex- Terminal based file manager
Ever thought of a situation when you are running your linux in text mode or you are a server administrator for a linux machine, and you need some way to view your files in much easier way then running cd commands?.
The best way is to install a small Text Mode File Manager (around 250 kb). Clex is one of my favorite terminal based file manager that runs directly in terminal without any GUI. It is very handy and easy to use with up and down arrows to browse among files and folders in terminal.
Specially for server administrators in Linux based operating systems it becomes very necessary to understand the file system in initial days , for such situation clex is one of a good and small tool to use. It can run through putty in your remote Linux machine to view files and folder.
You can install by running a simple command in terminal. (before you install don’t forget to login as root ).
#Su root
#apt-get install clex
This will install clex in your linux machine in no time.
To start clex simply type clex in terminal and Alt-q to exit from it.
File manager screenshot
Thanks for reading
Rakesh Mondal