Submitted by RakeshRon on Sat, 06/13/2015 - 20:29
A simple project for controlling the speed of a m35sp-8 unipolar stepper motor using Arduino UNO board. The speed is controlled using ADC where a Potentiometer is used an analog input and 10 bit ADC on the Arduino is used as a delay for controlling the speed of the stepper motor steps. Tutorial with source code.
Submitted by RakeshRon on Sat, 07/19/2014 - 00:09
Interface single and Multiple IR sensors Module with Arduino Uno and have the result Displayed on a Liquid Cristal Display (LCD). This tutorial covers three chapters explaining step by step starting from interfacing single IR sensor, then Dual and Finally an LCD for displaying the status of the Multiple IR sensor simultaneously. The project is comparatively very easy and serves the basics of sensor interface for various applications. Find the necessary Circuit, schematic, Source code and Project files on the project page.
Submitted by RakeshRon on Fri, 07/18/2014 - 04:41
Arduino Uno is an open sourced Microcontroller / embedded development platform for hobbyist and embedded developers. It is based on Atmega323 Microcontroller.